Established in 1912, Acri is the organisation which represents Foundations of banking origin and Savings Banks.

Acri is a voluntary, apolitical, non-profit organisation and has the following objectives:

  • To represent and protect the general interests of the members to foster the accomplishment of their institutional goals and to safeguard their assets and their pursuit of technical and economic development.
  • To co-ordinate their Members’ activities to make it more efficient and to promote the implementation of joint projects in areas of common interest;
  • To research and promote collaborations between members and other actors, in Italy and abroad. Acri agrees on potential conventions or agreements with other parties to be submitted for approval by the Associates themselves.

Acri has 102 ordinary members:
83 Banking Foundations
11 Joint-stock banks (former Savings Banks)
8 Local Foundations Associations

6 aggregate members
2 Other companies
4 Other foundations.

The president is Giovanni Azzone Chairman Fondazione Cariplo – President
The General Manager is Giorgio Righetti.

Acri is based in Rome in Via del Corso 267 – postcode 00186 – Tel. +390668184.1